Sunday, May 26, 2013

French soldier stabbed in throat outside Paris

PARIS (AP) ? A French soldier was stabbed in the throat in a busy commercial district outside Paris on Saturday, and France's president said authorities are investigating any possible links with the recent slaying of a British soldier.

President Francois Hollande said the identity of the attacker was unknown and cautioned against jumping to conclusions about the assault on the uniformed soldier in the La Defense shopping area. The life of the 23-year-old soldier was not in danger, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

The stabbing follows the slaying Wednesday of a British soldier, who was brutally stabbed on a London street in broad daylight in a suspected terrorist attack that has raised fears of potential copycat strikes.

"There could be a link, but we will look at all the elements," Hollande said during a news conference in Ethiopia, where he was traveling.

The British soldier, 25-year-old Lee Rigby, was attacked while walking outside the Royal Artillery Barracks in the Woolwich area of south London.

The gruesome scene was recorded on witnesses' cellphones, and a video has emerged in which one of the two suspects ? his hands bloodied ? boasted of their exploits and warned of more violence as the soldier lay on the ground. Holding bloody knives and a meat cleaver, the suspects waited for the arrival of police, who shot them in the legs, according to witnesses.

In the video, one of the suspects declared, "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you ... We must fight them as they fight us."

Two Muslim hard-liners have identified that suspect as Michael Adebolajo, a Christian who converted to Islam and attended several London demonstrations organized by banned British radical group al-Muhajiroun.


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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day weekend: (almost) no sticker shock on gas prices

Americans hitting the highways this Memorial Day weekend will have no trouble finding reasonably priced gasoline ? as long as they don?t live in the upper Midwest, where prices have soared by as much as 68 cents a gallon in the past two weeks.

Aside from gasoline pumps in such places as Minnesota and North Dakota, gas prices are about the same as at this time last year, averaging $3.66 a gallon nationwide, according to AAA, the national motorists club. In some states, such as South Carolina and Tennessee, the price is in the $3.20 range.

Relatively flat gasoline prices at the start of what is considered the summer driving season will help the wallets of 31.2 million Americans whom AAA expects to use cars to travel to their weekend destinations. But gasoline prices go beyond the Memorial Day weekend: They have a subtle psychological effect on American consumers, because gasoline is a commodity for which buyers often track prices. If gasoline prices are soaring, consumers may hold back on other purchases; if prices are falling, they may be more positive.

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?If gasoline were to hit $4 a gallon, it would be a terrible thing,? says Dennis Jacobe, the Washington-based chief economist at the Gallup Organization. ?For a weak economy, it would be very bad.?

Gallup?s consumer confidence polling is finding that people are more optimistic. However, Mr. Jacobe says that upbeat attitude has more to do with rising home values, not flat gasoline prices. Many Americans will opt to spend more money on their homes this summer instead of taking expensive vacations, he predicts.

Indeed, a AAA survey released Wednesday found that travel this coming weekend is expected to be down 0.9 percent from last year. But most of the drop in travel is the result of an expected 8 percent decline in air travel.

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?American travelers are experiencing fee fatigue and frustration with everything from higher fares to airport security,? says Robert Darbelnet, president and CEO of AAA, in a statement. ?As a result, many are choosing road travel in higher numbers due to the lower cost and convenience it offers.?

Prices appear to have peaked in February, when gasoline cost an average $3.79 a gallon. Fuel prices then fell until April, when they started rising again. In the past two months, gasoline prices have gone up 15 cents a gallon, while the price of crude oil is up about 24 cents a gallon, according to John Felmy, chief economist at the American Petroleum Institute in Washington.

Another key component at the pump, ethanol, which is mostly made from corn, has jumped in price by about 50 cents a gallon since the beginning of the year. That run-up in price adds another five cents a gallon to the price of gasoline blended with 10 percent ethanol, Mr. Felmy estimates.

Although the rising price of ethanol is not responsible for the sharp price hike in the Midwest, consumers in that region will be paying higher prices at the pump. According to AAA, on Wednesday North Dakotans paid a record $4.24 a gallon. Minnesotans paid a record $4.28 a gallon. Iowa, at $4.02 a gallon, was close to a record price.

Part of the reason for the run-up is a lot of work on refineries, explains Tom Kloza, director of editorial content at the Oil Price Information Service in Wall, N.J. ?It was more than normal,? he says. ?So, it?s like Parkinson?s law: When you schedule maintenance work on six out of 15 refineries, you can expect to have another two that are shut down for unanticipated reasons.?

Some Midwest refineries were shut because they are being reconfigured so they can process heavy, sour crude coming from Canada. That oil is selling at a considerable discount to sweet crude oil pumped in the Middle East, says Mr. Kloza.

The good news is that fuel wholesalers have started to ship gasoline to the states that have high prices, Kloza says, and some refineries are coming back on line.

?The spike is over,? he says.

Prices in other parts of the US may also start to fall as well this summer. Demand for gasoline is falling, the combined result of a relatively weak economy and better fuel economy for vehicles. Last year, gasoline prices bottomed out at the beginning of July. This year it might be the end of June, or early July again, says Avery Ash, manager of regulatory affairs for AAA in Washington.

?We think the low point will be $3.20 to $3.40 a gallon this summer,? says Mr. Ash.

RECOMMENDED: Six ways fleet operators save on gas (and you can, too)

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Cosmic swirly straws: Galaxies fed by funnels of fuel

May 24, 2013 ? Computer simulations of galaxies growing over billions of years have revealed a likely scenario for how they feed: a cosmic version of swirly straws.

The results show that cold gas -- fuel for stars -- spirals into the cores of galaxies along filaments, rapidly making its way to their "guts." Once there, the gas is converted into new stars, and the galaxies bulk up in mass.

"Galaxy formation is really chaotic," said Kyle Stewart, lead author of the new study appearing in the May 20th issue of the Astrophysical Journal. "It took us several hundred computer processors, over months of time, to simulate and learn more about how this process works." Stewart, who is now at the California Baptist University in Riverside, Calif., completed the majority of this work while at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

In the early universe, galaxies formed out of clumps of matter, connected by filaments in a giant cosmic web. Within the galaxies, nuggets of gas cooled and condensed, becoming dense enough to trigger the birth of stars. Our Milky Way spiral galaxy and its billions of stars took shape in this way.

The previous, standard model of galaxy formation held that hot gas sank into the centers of burgeoning galaxies from all directions. Gas clouds were thought to collide into each other, sending out shock waves, which then heated up the gas. The process is similar to jets creating sonic booms, only in the case of galaxies, the in-falling gas travels faster than the speed of sound, piling up into waves. Eventually, the gas cools and sinks to the galactic center. This process was theorized to be slow, taking up to 8 billion years.

Recent research has contradicted this scenario in smaller galaxies, showing that the gas is not heated. An alternate "cold-mode" theory of galaxy formation was proposed instead, suggesting the cold gas might funnel along filaments into galaxy centers. Stewart and his colleagues set out to test this theory and address the mysteries about how the cold gas gets into galaxies, as well as the rate at which it spirals in.

Since it would take billions of years to watch a galaxy grow, the team simulated the process using supercomputers at JPL; NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.; and the University of California, Irvine. They ran four different simulations of the formation of a galaxy like our Milky Way, starting from just 57 million years after the big bang until present day.

The simulations began with the starting ingredients for galaxies -- hydrogen, helium and dark matter -- and then let the laws of physics take over to create their galactic masterpieces. Supercomputers are needed due to the enormous number of interactions.

"The simulations are like a gigantic game of chess," said Alyson Brooks, a co-author of the paper and expert in galaxy simulations at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. "For each point in time, we have to figure out how a given particle -- our chess piece -- should move based on the positions of all of the other particles. There are tens of millions of particles in the simulation, so figuring out how the gravitational forces affect each particle is time-consuming."

When the galaxy concoctions were ready, the researchers inspected the data, finding new clues about how cold gas sinks into the galaxy centers. The new results confirm that cold gas flows along filaments and show, for the first time, that the gas is spinning around faster than previously believed. The simulations also revealed that the gas is making its way down to the centers of galaxies more quickly than what occurs in the "hot-mode" of galaxy formation, in about 1 billion years.

"We have found that the filamentary structures that galaxies are built on are key to how they build up over time, by threading gas into them efficiently," said Leonidas Moustakas, a co-author at JPL.

The researchers looked at dark matter too -- an invisible substance making up about 85 percent of matter in the universe. Galaxies form out of lumps of regular matter, so-called baryonic matter that is composed of atoms, and dark matter. The simulations showed that dark matter is also spinning at a faster rate along the filaments, spiraling into the galaxy centers.

The results help answer a riddle in astronomy about galaxies with large extended disks of material spinning around them, far from their centers. Researchers didn't understand how the outer material could be spinning so fast. The cold-mode allows for this rapid spinning, fitting another jigsaw piece into the puzzle of how galaxies grow.

"The goal of simulating galaxies is to compare them to what telescopes observe and see if we really understand how to build a galaxy," said Stewart. "It helps us makes sense of the real universe."

Other authors of the paper are: James Bullock of the University of California, Irvine; Ariyeh Maller of the New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, N.Y., J?rg Diemand of the University of Zurich, Switzerland; and James Wadsley of the McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

JPL is managed by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena for NASA.


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It is not the louse we hate. Nor is it the mosquito, shirt tag, wool sweater, chicken pock, or sudden rash that torments us?the itching itself is what drives us mad. But finally, scientists have finally been able to identify the molecule that signals our brain to start scratching us raw?and removing it kills itchiness forever. But don't we itch for a reason?




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I-5 bridge collapse survivor: 'You hold on'

In this photo provided by Francisco Rodriguez, rescue workers form a human chain as they begin to remove a woman who reaches out from a smashed pickup truck that fell into the Skagit River after the collapse of the Interstate 5 bridgeThursday, May 23, 2013, in Mount Vernon, Wash. (AP Photo/Francisco Rodriguez)

In this photo provided by Francisco Rodriguez, rescue workers form a human chain as they begin to remove a woman who reaches out from a smashed pickup truck that fell into the Skagit River after the collapse of the Interstate 5 bridgeThursday, May 23, 2013, in Mount Vernon, Wash. (AP Photo/Francisco Rodriguez)

A portion of the Interstate-5 bridge is submerged after it collapsed into the Skagit river dumping vehicles and people into the water in Mount Vernon, Wash., Thursday, May 23, 2013 according to the Washington State Patrol. (AP Photo/Joe Nicholson)

In this photo provided by Francisco Rodriguez, a man is seen sitting atop a car that fell into the Skagit River after the collapse of the Interstate 5 bridge there minutes earlier Thursday, May 23, 2013, in Mount Vernon, Wash. (AP Photo/Francisco Rodriguez)

View looking west at a portion of the Interstate-5 bridge submerged after collapsing into the Skagit river dumping vehicles and people into the water in Mount Vernon, Wash., Thursday, May 23, 2013 according to the Washington State Patrol. (AP Photo/Joe Nicholson)

People look on after the Interstate 5 bridge collapsed over the Skagit River in Mount Vernon, Wash., Thursday, May 23, 2013. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Rick Lund) TV OUT; USA TODAY OUT; MAGS OUT; NO SALES; SEATTLEPI.COM OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT

(AP) ? Dan Sligh and his wife were in their pickup truck on Interstate 5 heading to a camping trip when a bridge before them disappeared in a "big puff of dust."

"I hit the brakes and we went off," Sligh told reporters from a hospital, adding he "saw the water approaching ... you hold on as tight as you can."

Sligh, his wife and another man in a different vehicle were dumped into the chilly waters of the Skagit River when the span collapsed Thursday evening. They were injured, but miraculously, authorities said it appeared nobody was killed in the bridge failure that raised the question about the safety of aging spans and cut off the main route between Seattle and Canada.

"We don't think anyone else went into the water," said Marcus Deyerin, a spokesman for the Northwest Washington Incident Management Team. "At this point we're optimistic."

Sligh and his wife were taken to Skagit Valley Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The other man was reported in stable condition at United General Hospital in Sedro-Woolley, hospital CEO Greg Reed said.

It was not known what caused the collapse of the bridge about 60 miles north of Seattle in Skagit County, but State Patrol detectives and the patrol's commercial vehicle enforcement bureau troopers were talking late Thursday night to a commercial truck driver whose rig was believed to have struck the structure.

"It appears the commercial vehicle made contact with the bridge," Washington State Trooper Mark Francis said. "Whether it was the cause" of the collapse or made contact as the bridge was falling "that will all come out in the wash. But it appears it hit the bridge."

Sligh said his shoulder was dislocated in the drop into the water, and he found himself "belly deep in water in the truck." He said he popped his shoulder back in and called out to his wife, who he described as being in shock initially as they waited for rescuers to arrive in boats.

Traffic along the heavily travelled route could be affected for some time.

"The I-5 corridor is totally disrupted," said Gov. Jay Inslee, who went to the scene Thursday night.

He said work has already started to design detours, but state Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson asked people to avoid I-5 in the area for the next several days.

The National Transportation Safety Board was sending an investigative team.

Trooper Francis said a portion of the four-lane bridge over the Skagit River collapsed about 7 p.m.

Jeremiah Thomas, a volunteer firefighter, said he was driving nearby when he glimpsed something out of the corner of his eye and turned to look.

"The bridge just went down, it crashed through the water," he said. "It was really surreal."

The bridge was about 50 feet above the water. Deyerin said it appeared that two vehicles - a car and the pickup with the travel trailer attached - fell into the river. He said the water depth was about 15 feet, and the vehicles half-visible in the water likely were resting on portions of the collapsed bridge.

Crowds of people lined the river to watch the scene unfold.

"It's not something you see every day," said Jimmy O'Connor, the owner of two local pizza restaurants who was driving on another bridge parallel to the one that collapsed. "People were starting to crawl out of their cars."

He said he and his girlfriend were about 400 yards away on the Burlington Bridge when they heard "just a loud bang."

"Then we looked over and saw the bridge was down in the water," he said.

He pulled over and saw three vehicles in the water, including the camping trailer that landed upside-down, he said.

The bridge was not classified as structurally deficient, but a Federal Highway Administration database listed it as being "functionally obsolete" ? a category meaning that the design is outdated, such as having narrow shoulders and low clearance underneath.

The bridge was built in 1955 and has a sufficiency rating of 57.4 out of 100, according to federal records. That is well below the statewide average rating of 80, according to an Associated Press analysis of federal data, but 759 bridges in the state have a lower sufficiency score.

According to a 2012 Skagit County Public Works Department report, 42 of the county's 108 bridges are 50 years or older. The document says eight of the bridges are more than 70 years old and two are over 80.

Washington state was given a C in the American Society of Civil Engineers' 2013 infrastructure report card and a C- when it came to the state's bridges. The group said more than a quarter of Washington's 7,840 bridges are considered structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.

Democratic Rep. Judy Clibborn, who leads the transportation committee in the state House, said the bridge wasn't one that has been a focus for lawmakers.

"It is shocking that I-5 would have something happen like this," she said.

Clibborn said the collapse will call attention to the issues facing bridges ? especially the old bridge over the Columbia River that connects Vancouver and Portland, Ore.

Sligh said his wife was "doing OK" and that he had "lots of cuts."

"You're kind of pinching yourself and realize you're lucky to be alive."


Baker reported from Olympia, Wash. Associated Press writers Chris Grygiel in Seattle and Terry Tang in Phoenix also contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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As of last year Alex Rodriguez had his house in Miami on the market for an asking price of $38 million and Darren Rovell of reports that he finally sold the place for $30 million.

According to Rovell he paid $7.4 million for the place in 2010 and then dropped another $7.4 million or so into renovating the nine-bedroom property on 54,000 square feet of land. Either way, not a bad profit in three years.

The place is on the same block as Matt Damon, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh, but Rovell writes that the new buyer isn?t anyone famous.


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Senators work through changes to immigration bill

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senators working on a wide-ranging immigration bill have agreed to tighten controls on the asylum system that allows people fleeing war or persecution to find refuge in the U.S.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina offered the amendment, which would terminate asylum or refugee status for anyone who returns home to the country they fled, unless they can show a good reason for doing so.

Graham said the change was merited in light of the Boston Marathon bombings. The brothers who allegedly set off the bombs arrived in the U.S. as boys when their family sought asylum here.

The amendment was approved on voice vote Monday as the Senate Judiciary Committee entered its third week of weighing amendments to a bipartisan immigration bill.


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

CUNY Begins National Search For J-School Dean ? CUNY ...

A national search has begun for a new academic leader for the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, which has emerged as one of the leading journalism schools in the country less than a decade after its founding, Chancellor Matthew Goldstein has announced.

Trustee Peter Pantaleo is chair of the search committee for a new dean, which includes trustees, faculty, students, alumni and several distinguished journalists who serve on the School?s board of advisors.

The CUNY Graduate School of Journalism is the only publicly funded graduate program in journalism in the Northeast. It was among the first to offer a fully converged curriculum that blends traditional journalism with the multimedia, interactive, and technical skills of the new media world. Students also specialize in one of five subject concentrations: arts and culture, business and economics, health and science, international, or urban reporting. The School occupies state-of-the-art facilities on West 40th Street near Times Square, in a building next to The New York Times that formerly housed the New York Herald Tribune.

Chancellor Goldstein said: ?CUNY?s pioneering Graduate School of Journalism is an extraordinary program with a world-class-faculty that combines the eternal values of traditional journalism, including fine reporting and writing, critical thinking, and ethical values, with the new multimedia, interactive possibilities of the 21st century.?

The School was opened in September 2006 under the leadership of Founding Dean Stephen B. Shepard, former editor-in-chief of BusinessWeek magazine and a graduate of the City College of New York (Class of 1961). Dean Shepard announced in February that he would step down, effective Dec. 31, 2013. He will stay on as a University Professor, working on special projects such as the CUNY Journalism Press.

The School graduated its sixth class in December, 2012. Since its founding, more than $25 million has been raised for special academic programs and scholarships. The CUNY J-School offers an intensive 16-month Master of Arts in Journalism program that includes a required paid professional summer internship and an extensive January Academy enrichment workshop series. The School also offers an M.A. in Entrepreneurial Journalism. About 100 new students enroll each fall, about 65% of them women and nearly 40% students of color. Some 32% come from underrepresented groups, and 41% are non-New York State residents, including 10 from countries outside the U.S. Their average age is 27.

Beyond its basic programs, the School runs two centers and a book publishing imprint:
* The Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism trains students and mid-career professionals to develop products and services for the digital age and conduct research on new business models to sustain quality journalism.
* The Center for Community and Ethnic Media, launched in 2012, serves New York?s vibrant neighborhood and immigrant-community newspapers and broadcast outlets -? some 350 of them, published in more than 50 languages. The Center offers their staffs training programs in business, technology, and journalism.
* CUNY Journalism Press, launched in 2012 in partnership with OR Books, publishes books about journalism in two formats: e-books and print-on-demand paperbacks.

Located in midtown Manhattan, the School is just one block from Times Square and next door to The New York Times. With dozens of media outlets within walking distance and the whole of New York City just a subway ride away, the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism could not be more ideally located.

In addition to the plentiful resources of New York City, the School itself boasts state-of-the-art media technology and a superb faculty composed of industry professionals and veteran journalists who have chosen to bring their expertise to the classroom.

Students have daily contact with working journalists, developing mentoring relationships and making the connections that will guide them both in and out of the classroom. Students also participate in professional internships across the city and the world, gaining the hands-on experience that is so important during that first crucial job search.

About The City University of New York:
The City University of New York is the nation?s leading urban public university. Founded in New York City in 1847, the University is comprised of 24 institutions: 11 senior colleges, seven community colleges, the William E. Macaulay Honors College at CUNY, the CUNY Graduate School and University Center, the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, the CUNY School of Law, the CUNY School of Professional Studies and the CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College. The University serves more than 269,000 degree credit students and 218,083 adult, continuing and professional education students.College Now, the University?s academic enrichment program, is offered at CUNY campuses and more than 300 high schools throughout the five boroughs of New York City. The University offers online baccalaureate degrees through the School of Professional Studies and an individualized baccalaureate through the CUNY Baccalaureate Degree. Nearly 3 million unique visitors and 10 million page views are served each month via, the University?s website.
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