Friday, June 28, 2013

Paula Deen, Proposition 8, and the sometimes-nuance of bigotry (Americablog)

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Silver At Less Than 19 Dollars An Ounce? Are You Kidding Me ...

By Michael


The day that silver traders have been waiting for has arrived.? On Wednesday, the price of silver dropped another 5 percent.? As I write this, it is sitting at $18.55 an ounce.? On Wednesday it hit a low that had not been seen in three years.? Overall, the price of silver has declined by?34 percent?this quarter.? That is the largest quarterly move in the price of silver in more than 30 years.? So what does all of this mean?? It means that we are looking at a historic buying opportunity for those that are interested in silver.? Yes, gold is undervalued right now as well, but it is absolutely ridiculous how low the price of silver is.? At the moment, the price of gold is about 66 times higher than the price of silver is.? But they come out of the ground at about a 9 to 1 ratio, and unlike gold, silver is used up in thousands of common consumer products.? Those that want to invest in silver should be shouting for joy that prices have fallen this low.? If you have been waiting and waiting and waiting to ?load the boat?, your moment has arrived.

In my previous articles, I have warned over and over again that we would see wild swings in the prices of gold and silver.? For example, I wrote the following?back in April?

As I mentioned above, gold and silver are going to experience wild fluctuations over the next few years.? When the next stock market crash comes, gold and silver are probably going to go even lower than they are today for a short time.? But in the long run gold and silver are going to soar to unprecedented heights.

Investing in gold and silver is not for the faint of heart.? If you cannot handle the ride, you should sit on the sidelines.? We are entering a period of tremendous financial instability, and holding gold and silver is going to be like riding a roller coaster.? The ups and downs are going to shake a lot of people up, but the rewards are going to be great for those that stick with it the entire time.

Right now, a lot of people that bought silver when it was 25 dollars an ounce or 30 dollars an ounce are probably feeling discouraged.

Don?t be.? You will be just fine.? When the price of an ounce of silver hits 100 dollars an ounce you will be very thankful for the silver that you stored away at those prices.

We are moving into a time when we will see more volatility in precious metals prices than we have ever seen before.? That means there will be some tremendous opportunities to make money.? But in order to make money, you have to buy low and sell high.

The current decline in the price of paper silver does not have anything to do with the demand for actual physical silver.? In fact, demand for physical silver is higher than it ever has been before.

For example, sales of silver coins by the U.S. Mint have set?a brand new all-time record high?during the first half of 2013.

Last year, the U.S. Mint sold 33 million ounces of silver for the entire year.

This year, the U.S. Mint is on pace to sell 50 million ounces of silver for the entire year.

So don?t be alarmed that the price of silver is falling.

Instead, be very, very thankful.

Hopefully it will go even lower.

And you know what?? There is a decent possibility that the price of silver may go down a bit more.? This will especially be true during the initial stages of the next financial panic.

When the price of silver does dip, it is a perfect opportunity to load the boat, because even many mainstream analysts are projecting that the price of silver is headed into the stratosphere over the long-term.? For example, the following is what Citi analyst Tom Fitzpatrick?told King World News?the other day?

Again, if you look at silver going back to the 2008 correction, we got down to levels below $9, then we saw the silver price multiply by a factor of over 5 times. So assuming this marks a point near the end of the correction in silver, then our bias would be one that would take silver not only to new all-time highs, but we would look for a target as high as $100 for silver

A chart illustrating the projections that Fitzpatrick is making can be foundright here.

There are so many reasons to own silver (even as opposed to owning gold).? The following is an excerpt from a?recent article?about silver that really caught my attention?


7. Silver is way below its nominal record price of $50 in 1980.? It is even further below the government inflation adjusted level of $135.? And if you use REAL inflation adjusted numbers, like Shadowstats, the REAL 1980 inflation adjusted price of silver would have to be $450!? Silver is a precious and depleting resource and when you look at the price of housing, cars, education, food, energy, taxes, insurance?back in the 1980?s, it is insane to think that silver is so cheap on any level.? Especially when the uses of silver have skyrocketed since the 1980?s.? It is now used in technology on a massive scale and is even now said to cure cancer.? Heck, they did not even have Silver Eagle sales back then, or the Silver Bullet Silver Shield for that matter.

8. This time it is going to be much larger!? None of the problems from the 2008 Banking Crisis have been solved.? In fact it is orders of magnitudes worse. ? What started out as an institutional? problem, is now a sovereign nation problem.? This collapse will not be a puny multi ? billion dollar corporation like AIG disintegrating, it will be the Trillion dollar economies of the nations of the world and the Quadrillion dollar derivative monster markets cracking apart.? There is no financial, political or social safety net left.? We destroyed all of that in 2008 and are on a debt based junkie delusion.

The collapse of currencies will affect every counter-party, debt based asset in the world.?Your cash, stocks, bonds, Real Estate, pensions, insurance, all of it.? The collapse of financial contracts will lead to the collapse of all political and social contracts.? The Anger Phase of humanity is coming and only real assets with no counter party risk will be worth anything.? Most commodities have storage or degradation issues leaving only precious metals as a real store of wealth.

9. 1:65 Ratio makes silver the only choice.??The current gold to silver ratio is: 1 ounce of gold is worth 65 ounces of silver.? These come out of the ground at a 1:9 ratio!? That means just to get back to the natural mining ratio, silver would have to out perform gold 600%.? This is regardless what happens to the dollar value of gold.? If gold goes to $13,000 an ounce, silver at a 1:9 ratio would be $1,444 silver.

10. The historical stockpiles of silver are destroyed.? We know implicitly that gold has been treasured and kept secure.? While silver has been used and abused as a cheap, industrial metal like tin.? Since the price of silver has been under attack since the Crime of 1873, silver has been used in such small quantities that it has been destroyed.? The US government in 1950 had 5 billion ounces of silver in its strategic stockpile, now it has ZERO. So if gold and silver come out of the ground at a 1:9 ratio and gold has been treasured and silver stockpiles destroyed, logic would dictate that the end of this silver bull market will find the gold to silver ratio BELOW 1:9 and I think it will come close to a 1:1.? Either way, we are a long way away from those levels which makes silver so exciting right now.

It is the destruction of huge stockpiles like this that explains the decade long supply deficit to the growing demand of silver.? Do not forget that we are only 7 years away from the United States Geological Survey?s prediction that if we continue to consume silver at these rates, silver would be the first metal to become extinct.? When I challenged the USGS on that statement,?they said that only a massive revaluation of silver to bring on more production and wiser use of silver would stop the extinction.? I don?t think we will ever run out of silver, but I do believe that the free market will crush this paper manipulation and that anyone holding physical silver on that day will then have a lottery ticket in real value.


You can read the rest of that excellent article?right here.

Do you want some more reasons to own silver?

The following are some excerpts from an excellent article?by Mark Thomas?


The amount of silver consumed annually and bought for investment exceeds currently exceeds total annual mining output and has for years. That gap has been filled by sellers willing to sell from existing inventories and as prices rise. As time passes this will naturally push prices significantly higher until this fundamental imbalance reaches a true equilibrium price where supply is closer to demand.


Both industrial and investment demand for silver is growing in excess of the annual increase in mining production growth. The available inventory is low and will get even tighter over time. These two factors will lead to a continued tighter supply-demand situation going forward.


Silver is an industrial metal with over 10,000 commercial applications. Because it is one of the best electrical and thermal conductors, that makes it ideal for electrical uses such as switches, multi-layer ceramic capacitors, conductive adhesives, and contacts. It is used in some brazing and soldering as well. Silver is also used in solar cells, heated automobile wind shields, DVD?s and some mirrors.


Silver is an essential element in the electronic gadgets that are a growing part of our digital age. It is in every cell phone, smart phone, tablet, computer keyboard, solar cells and every radio frequency if ID device (RFID). This makes it an essential element going forward as the world becomes more addicted to gadgets. The growth and rising living standards of people in the emerging economies will drive long-term growth of new customers that will demand more and more electronic gadgets.


Silver?s industrial demand should increase 60% to 666 million ounces per year by 2016 from 487 million ounces in 2010. Current annual mine production is only around 700 million ounces per year growing a few percent annually.


Of a total of fifty billion ounces of silver that have been mined in history, only two ounces (estimate) or 5% remain in above ground inventories available to be bought and sold. This is due to silver being used up in industrial applications in very small quantities, which makes it unprofitable to recycle at today?s prices. A lot of silver is used in minute quantities in industrial products which are used up and discarded without being recycled.


The total amount of silver available to trade in the physical silver market is only about $70 billion versus the total gold market which now exceeds $4.3 trillion. As you can see from these numbers, the total market size of the silver market is only 1.6% of the size of the entire gold market. This lack of liquidity and use of extreme leverage in its respective futures market produces wild volatility in price fluctuations of silver.


You can read the rest of his excellent article?right here.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Let us hope that the price of silver stays below 20 dollars an ounce for as long as possible, because once this opportunity is gone we will probably never see it again.

It is important to realize where we are in the greater scheme of things.? The world is moving toward another major financial crisis which will usher in a brief period of deflation.? Unlike many others that are talking about the coming economic collapse, I have always maintained that we are going to see deflation first and then the response to the crisis will give us the rip-roaring inflation that so many talk about.? The following is an excerpt from one of my articles?where I talk about this?

So cash will not be king for long.? In fact, eventually cash will be trash.? The actions of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve in response to the coming financial crisis will greatly upset much of the rest of the world and cause the death of the U.S. dollar.

That is why gold, silver and other hard assets are going to be so good to have in the long-term.? In the short-term they will experience wild swings in price, but if you can handle the ride you will be smiling in the end.

During the initial stages of the next major stock market crash, gold and silver will not do very well.? But that is okay.? Dips are buying opportunities.

As the coming economic crisis unfolds, governments and central banks all over the world will desperately attempt to resuscitate the global financial system.? We are going to see money printing and ?stimulus packages? on a scale that we have never seen before.? Crazy things will happen with stocks, bonds and currencies.

When the dust finally settles, those that are holding ?real money? will be the ones that will be in the best shape.

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What Will Happen Should Senate Bill S. 744 Become Law?

SAN FRANCISCO, CA ? 23APRIL06 ? Fifteen thousand people rally and march in San Francisco, demanding legalization and equality for undocumented immigrants, and protesting bills in the US Congress which would criminalize immigrant status and establish huge guest worker programs for large corporations.
Copyright David Bacon

The Dignity Campaign?s Response?To The Immigration Reform Bill

As organizations participating in the Dignity Campaign for Immigration Reform Based on Human and Labor Rights, we are very concerned about the harsh impact the Senate?s immigration reform bill will have on immigrants.? Rather than ?bring immigrants out of the shadows? this bill will hold millions in an underclass, vulnerable to exploitation and relegated to the ranks of the working poor, with no access to basic services.? Millions will have no hope of receiving permanent legal status, let alone citizenship.

We believe this bill will affect our communities for decades to come, in the same way we continue to feel the negative effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act, passed in 1986.? It is important to look at what our world will be like if the Senate?s version of immigration reform passes, to expose the negative impacts the bill will have, and especially prepare to defend our communities.

We want legal immigration status for people living in the U.S. who don?t have it, and believe this desire unites millions in this country.? Diverse groups with many different experiences are all fighting today for the civil, labor and human rights of immigrants, and of all working people.? This fight didn?t start with this bill ? it?s been going on for generations.? It won?t end with it either.

This bill, however, does not reflect the aspirations of a majority of the US population to provide permanent resident status to the undocumented.? It is instead the product of corporate America, which wants to hold down the cost of labor, especially in high tech, the hotel and restaurant industry, construction, and the food growing and processing industry. Massive enforcement creates money-making opportunities through continued detention and the construction of?more border walls, which we already?know will not stop the flow of migration.

1. ? The bill?s legalization program is designed to delay permanent legal status, and exclude huge numbers of people.

There are far more restrictions on the legalization program in this bill then there were in 1986, although that was a limited bill also.? Instead of an inclusive program that quickly gives legal status to 11 million people, it sets up a series of difficult hurdles, especially for low-income people.

Wealthy people can essentially buy visas, and the bill codifies and expands their ability to do that permanently, under one of the amendments.? It gives preference to those with money who can pay to study in universities and those who want to invest here.? It requires, however, people to make 1.25 times the poverty level to remain eligible once they?ve applied for provisional resident status.? Millions of undocumented workers make wages close to the legal minimum.? Working full time, the federal minimum is $15,080 per year.? Millions of people can?t even get that much work.

A single person would have to make $14,362 to keep their provisional status, so even losing a few weeks a year could make them ineligible, or force them to work excessive hours to maintain this salary.? Getting fired would be disastrous, which makes joining unions or advocating for rights extremely risky.? And of course, millions of single parents supporting children clearly wouldn?t qualify, since a family of four would have to keep an income of $29,437 to maintain status.? That?s more than two fulltime minimum wage jobs.

A person in provisional status must maintain that required income for 10 years before he could apply for a green card.? Most minimum wage or low-income jobs have no security for anywhere near that long.? In the meantime, provisional status holders would have to pay a total of $2000 by the end of that time, per family member or in some cases per family.? People would have to enroll in English classes to show they are trying to learn the language (a clear violation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848, which guaranteed Spanish-language rights.)? Too many arrests for even minor crimes would disqualify applicants.? In most poor communities of color, young people are targeted for anti-gang enforcement measures, and many build up records that would make them ineligible.

Many will not qualify for legalization and many with RPI status and W visas, for instance, are at risk of losing status at any point.? The net result of these exclusions is that the number of people who will be able to reach the 10-year goal posts for permanent legal status is not 11 million, but more likely half of that, according to many legal sources.

What will happen to the millions of people in our communities who will not qualify, or who become disqualified along the way?? Because of the bill?s increased enforcement measures, their situation will be worse than it is today.? It would criminalize job search for those who have no status and force immigrants back ?into the shadows?.? Our community must think about how it will defend them ? politically, economically, legally and socially.

Some immigrant communities and unions and leaders, especially in the Democratic Party, believe that despite the bill?s drawbacks millions of people will eventually gain U.S. citizenship.? They project that they will become voters who might change the political direction in important cities and states.? In Los Angeles, the legalization of 1986 eventually led to the city?s changed voting population, and a much more progressive city government.? In California the state itself is benefiting from this demographic shift.? Increasing the votes of immigrants could change the politics of Mississippi, North Carolina and other states now firmly controlled by the political right.

This is an important political goal because immigrants deserve political rights, like all other working people.? And when they get those rights, other working people benefit directly as well.

The current bill, however, is not a sure path to that goal.? A lot can happen over the next 10 years.? A reactionary administration or hostile Congress could change the way legalization is administered ? even repeal it ? before immigrants reach permanent legal status.? In immigrant families, where documented and undocumented people live together, the bill?s devastating impact will affect everyone.

There is no doubt that our communities need legalization, and are willing to pay a price to get it.? So the question immigrant communities need to ask ourselves is ? how high a price are we willing to pay?? Should we support a trade-off of some legalization for the codification of all the enforcement programs that we have fought against over the last 25 years? Or, should we build the movement we need to win legalization without sacrificing the rights of immigrants, and lining the pockets of the enforcement industrial complex?

?2. The bill will continue the criminalization of immigrants.

The U.S. already spends more money on immigration enforcement than all other Federal enforcement programs combined.? S.744 authorizes spending at least another $5.5 billion on enforcement at the border alone, at a time when our communities lack investments in schools and healthcare.? It relies on increased enforcement to shunt ?migrants into labor supply programs, which are designed?to keep the cost of labor down and ensure? low wages.

This bill will not end the enforcement programs that have led to the massive wave of deportations over the last decade, especially Secure Communities and 287g.? It continues to criminalize the lack of legal immigration status.? This will have a devastating impact on those who can?t qualify for legalization, and those who come without papers in the future.

At worksites throughout the country, tens of thousands of workers have been fired every year for the past decade?for not having legal immigration status.? This is the result of the last reform ? employer sanctions ? part of IRCA in 1986.? Under pressure from labor and immigrant rights groups, the bill now has provisions that would bar employers from using the lack of immigration status to punish workers for organizing unions or enforcing labor standards.? This is an important improvement.

But the reality is that the vast majority of workers who have been fired in recent years for lacking legal status were fired at the demand of federal authorities, not as a result of retaliation.? The bill not only allows these firings to continue, but would make them much more widespread by making it mandatory for all employers to check workers? status using the E-Verify database.? An added amendment calls for weekly reports of those applying for jobs whose legal status is ?not confirmed,? targeting even those looking for jobs.

In 1986, many of our current immigrant rights coalitions began?the effort to defend workers from the implementation of employer sanctions, the provision that said employers can?t hire people without papers.? In effect, this criminalized work for the undocumented, and led to workplace raids, I-9 audits and firings, and the creation of the E-Verify database.

Because the bill ignores the root causes of migration, all new undocumented workers coming in the future (plus those who fall out of the legalization process)?will become even more vulnerable.? It will become mandatory for all employers to use the E-Verify database, both to screen new hires and their existing workers.? Workers without papers will lose their jobs, and find it much harder to find new ones, and their families and communities will suffer because of it.? But very few will leave the country.? As we say, Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos, y Si Nos Echan, Nos Regresamos.

On the border, the bill will triple the money now spent on the Operation Streamline court in Tucson, where young migrants are brought in chains, and then sentenced to federal prison for crossing the border without papers more than once.? S. 744 will deploy drones and military-style enforcement including more border patrol agents and the National Guard.? Despite promises of a greater commitment to civil rights in border communities (now defined broadly as 100-miles north of the actual line) this militarization will inevitably undermine rights and create greater fear. Private corporations will run even more detention centers for immigrants ? another industry that will clearly benefit from the bill.

If it were true that migration is slowing drastically, and that future migrants will only be coming as guest workers, there would be no need for this ferocious enforcement.? But in fact, the bill is assuming that people will continue to come without papers.? The real impact is already plain in the desert, where hundreds die every year trying to cross.? These deaths will continue as a result of this bill?s provisions.

?3.? Migration will continue on a large scale, if we continue to ignore the root causes for displacement.

Over two hundred million people worldwide now live outside the countries where they were born.? Corporate trade agreements and structural adjustment programs produce poverty and global inequality, displacing communities in developing countries.? During the NAFTA years, from 1994 to the present, the number of Mexicans alone living in the U.S. grew from 4.6 million to 13 million ? 11% of Mexico?s population.? The percentage of Central Americans migrating is even greater.

Increasingly, in Mexico, the Philippines and other countries of origin, social movements are challenging forced migration, calling for political change and economic development that would make migration voluntary.? They advocate for the right to not migrate ? for a decent future with jobs, healthcare and education.?? The Senate bill, however, does not recognize the roots of migration, or call for renegotiating treaties like NAFTA that produce displacement.

This movement of people won?t stop.? The basic conditions that force people to leave home haven?t changed.? In fact, the bill assumes that it will continue, and proposes a series of guest worker visa programs and extreme enforcement measures to deal with continued migration.

The bill continues to link labor supply programs and enforcement, and is codifying into law what has become the hallmark of U.S. immigration policy over the past decade:?temporary workers.? Each year over the last several years, the U.S. has deported 400,000 people, while allowing corporations to recruit at least 250,000 in formal guest worker programs (H1B, H2A and H2B) and hundreds of thousands on other work visas.? This is moving back towards the bracero era, where in the mid-1950s the U.S. deported a million people annually, while allowing growers to recruit over 400,000.

In 1964 and 1965 the bracero program was abolished and replaced with a family-based system ? an achievement of our civil rights movement.? In 1986 IRCA began to move us backwards, reinstituting guest worker programs and criminalizing border crossing and work for the undocumented.

S. 744 accelerates that movement backwards.? It restricts family-based immigration by ending brother and sister preferences, and restricting petitions for adult children.? It?s employer bias is clear in establishing a point system in which employability (corporate needs) will have much greater weight in future migration than family relationships.

After starving the family preference system for visas to the point where reunification sometimes takes decades, S.744 proposes to clear the backlogs as a prelude to expanding a corporate labor supply system.? But S.744 won?t make the family visa system function better.? It will be much harder a decade from now for immigrants living in the U.S. to reunite their families, especially for low wage workers and farm workers.? And after the Democratic Senators? surrender in the Judiciary Committee, LGBT families will continue to be excluded from the family petition and reunification process.

4.? The bill will vastly expand guest worker programs, and force most migrants to come to the U.S. through them.?

Guest worker programs all allow employers to recruit workers in other countries, and then give them visas that require them to work in order to stay.? They have a history of abuse that goes back to the original bracero program, and programs that preceded it.

Henry Anderson, the only U.S. academic who interviewed braceros while the program was going on, made a study in 1956 that the University of California halted under grower pressure.? One bracero told him, ?We come here like animales rentados [rented animals], not like men.?? Anderson saw that, like today?s migrants motivated by the need to survive, ?All but a few were coerced workers, driven by a force more powerful than a physical lash ? their hunger and that of their families.?? He points out that contract labor programs today suffer the same inequality of power:? ?There will be major abuses in any contract labor system if all the power is on one side?It will happen if a ?guest worker? program is enacted, no matter what honeyed phrases may be coined.? It is in the nature of the beast.?

Defenders of the Senate?s expanded programs claim that, while some of the most abusive present programs, like H2B, will expand, protections have been negotiated for new ones.? They point to the ability of workers to move from one registered employer and job to another, to sue their employers in court, and (for some) eventually apply for permanent residence visas.? These will not, however, change the imbalance of power in these programs, especially since the punishment for being unemployed beyond a few weeks is still deportation.? That alone gives employers near total power over these workers, which is why they want the programs. Anderson?s study revealed that measures set up to protect workers from abuse during the bracero era were never implemented.

The cost of guest worker programs is borne by both?immigrant and resident workers.? Immigrants become deportable if they lose their jobs and can?t quickly find others, making the risk of joining unions or enforcing labor standards very high.? If resident workers try to demand living wages that can support families, employers can declare a labor shortage and demand more guest workers at lower wages.? This creates an effective ceiling on wages at the bottom of the U.S. wage scale.? This bill increases competition among low wage workers at a time when wages are barely livable, and? among high-skilled workers as well, negatively affecting local economies everywhere. At the same time, many Mexican activists say the recruitment is saddling them with a corrupt system protected by political patronage, and?forcing people into debt.

By the end of a decade, the number of workers brought by corporations on work visas could easily reach a half million per year.? This will hold down wages in all industries where employers use the programs, and hurt local economies.

Over the years, many immigrant and labor rights activists have called for expanding the number of permanent resident visas instead, since green card holders have greater rights.? Under S.744, some guest workers can apply for green cards, but only after they work years of servitude. ?Instead, it would be better to give green cards to migrating workers at the beginning of their time in the US, which would give them greater rights and equality in our communities, and make it easier for them to organize to raise low wages and join unions.

If the interest of employers were not in holding workers captive to low wages, they would have no problem competing for workers, whether citizen or immigrant, in an open labor market.? The bill, however, clearly represents employer interests against those of workers.? It is no coincidence that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, various Silicon Valley mega rich corporations, the Associated Building Contractors, growers and other major business groups have spent millions lobbying for the Senate bill.

5.? S. 744 will expand the surveillance industrial complex.

Using public safety and security as a justification, the proposed bill further strengthens and legitimizes the national security state, mixing current and new technologies, enhancing operational capacities, and adding thousands of new customs and border patrol agents.? Its coded language of ?border security? and ?criminal alien,? rationalizes the investment of public funds in surveillance equipment, data collection and data mining, enhanced communications ability and information sharing between federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies.

The Secure Communities program set up the bill?s provisions for expanding the E-Verify system: ?every non-citizen will be required to show their biometric work authorization card, or their biometric green card. These photographs will be stored in the E-Verify system.? Those photographs will be linked to existing databases?, creating the template for a future biometric national ID card.

The 2013 bill will lead to the creation of one of the largest databases, by combining several existing ones, including people who have committed a crime, DNA records, and absconders, with seemingly benign sources, such as DMV and SSA.? It will include behavioral profiles created by ?suspicious activity? reporting programs and the national counter terrorism center.? This database will then be accessible to federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, public benefit agencies, and even private contractors and foreign partners in the ?war on terror.?? Gathering, storing, sharing and disseminating information all become necessary tools for social control.

Drones have been in use for some time to patrol land borders and shorelines, which has become a precedent to normalize their use as an ?essential? tool in law enforcement. The bill will expand this use.? Meanwhile, the Federal Aviation Administration is required to allow free use of airspace by drones by 2015.

6. We have more power if we get radical.

It is clear that the bill is not going to be amended in the Senate in any way that changes its basic structure or impact.? In the House of Representatives the domination of Republicans will force Democrats to make even more concessions to get the votes for passage.? So the bill will continue to move to the right, not to the left.

In this political calculus, the bill?s sponsors are clearly not afraid of losing progressive or community support.? They only fear the Republicans and employers ? the pressure from the right.? As a result, the President recently made it clear once again that the only thing we can achieve is what a Republican Congress will vote for, or what employers are willing to accept.? In Washington DC there is no strategy beyond a vote on this bill, and especially no strategy for what we will have to do afterwards.

In this context, it is important not to get boxed in politically.? Part of advocating for our communities is deciding what we are for, and refusing to accept what those who control the process in Congress have?put on the table.? We have to know where we?re going.? This is about more than just a bill, or one political fight this year.? We?ve been fighting for rights and equality for many years, and this fight is going to continue for a long time to come.

So what is our goal?? What does justice look like?? During the civil rights movement in the south, activists and community members said the fight wasn?t just about the right to sit at the lunch counter, but to get the money to buy a meal, and then to register to vote to win political power in the community.? We have to think like they did.? We have more leverage if we fight for more radical goals, not less.? Right now the Gang of Eight isn?t afraid of us, or trying to win us over.? The right has all the power here, and the bill will move to the right as a result.

The dreamers taught us all, however, that what seems impossible today can become possible tomorrow if we organize and fight for what we want.? They also showed that it was possible to force the administration to change the way it enforces existing law.? First they defended undocumented youth who came out publicly, then got a Dream Act bill introduced, and finally made the administration grant deferred action administratively.

Today the administration is continuing the deportations at 400,000 a year, despite a bill that (they say) would give most undocumented legal status.? ICE forces employers to fire thousands of workers from their jobs to show it?s ?tough? on enforcement.? Even if all those workers did get status, they will never get their jobs back.? Instead of holding union jobs paying well above the requirement for legalization, they?ll be forced into the underground economy where legalization will become out of reach.

Instead of a strategy focused exclusively on Washington DC, we need one that takes action on the ground, where we live.? This includes action against deportations, and an end to the firings.?Immigrant workers and their families should not be used as political cannon fodder to pass the Senators? bill.? Action on the ground can dramatize our need for the reforms we really want.

?7.? What are people proposing that are elements of what we want?

We need to continue to hold the discussions in our organizations and communities that develop our own program for justice.? Many organizations have been doing this over the past year.? Instead of stopping because a bill is in Congress, we should pay attention to what people say they want.

The Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations (FIOB) says, we need to get rid of trade agreements that displace communities in Mexico.

Workers fired at San Diego Hilton and the community hunger strikers who supported them say we need to get rid of the firings and criminalization of work.

Community2Community and the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance say get rid of guest worker programs, and give people green cards instead.

The Coalicion de Derechos Humanos says tear down the border wall and end the Operation Streamline court.

People of Faith demonstrating in front of the detention centers in Richmond, California,? Tacoma, Washington, and across the country say get rid of these privately run prisons.

Filipino Advocates for Justice and the Asian Law Caucus say get rid of the 22-year backlogs keeping people from reuniting their families in the U.S., and expand family migration instead of ending preferences for family members.

Unions like UFCW, LIUNA, ILWU, UNITE HERE and SEIU say make it a crime when employers use immigration status to deny workers labor rights.

And across this country, millions of people say we want a legalization program that includes all 11 million people and that doesn?t make people wait more than a couple of years to get it.

In 1965 voting rights for African Americans and Chicanos looked like a dream a century away.? The fields were filled with 500,000 braceros, while a million other immigrants were deported.? Yet ten years later we had the Voting Rights Act, the bracero program was ended, and family reunification had started; workers went on strike in Coachella and Delano, and the United Farm Workers was born.? This didn?t happen by accepting Congress? view of the world.? It happened by forcing them to view the word through our eyes.

We can have an immigration policy based on human rights, but we have to have a social movement with radical goals in order to fight for it.? And if they tell us ?no se puede,? that we can?t get there, our answer is ?si se puede,? yes, we can.


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Monday, June 24, 2013

Self Improvement Techniques: A Guide To A Much Better Existence

You must choose and consciously choose to function in the direction of it. Even when you?re dissatisfied together with your daily life, it may be hard to find the motivation to modify. This information has advice and tips that could be the impetus to your self improvement prepare, however you are the one who needs to do the actual operate. Stay determined by maintaining the following tips under consideration all the time. When thinking of personal development, you have to remember which every personal is going to locate stuff that work better to them, everybody is various and each person needs to use the things that work for these people. Bearing that in mind, it is important to investigation into various resources to support together with your desired goals in personal development. This information is filled up with ideas and recommendations you can use in your own personal progress. You will overlook chances to produce privately in the event you avoid generating choices. You must not stay away from making decisions, even though you don?t supply the details ahead of time. Even mistaken decisions that don?t come out while you would have appreciated are valuable as you still study from the activities they give instructive discovering experience. An incorrect choice will just open the entranceway for a better one. People have a number of values which can be key on their sensation of personal at the core. This practice will promote consistency, which is a fantastic feature to obtain. You can expect to make dramatic development with your consideration on good progress and be keen to experience all the interesting things you are able to. Create a self improvement program by deciding what your individual thinking that you may have determined. It wouldn?t seem sensible to operate on things that have reached odds with what you benefit. Ask others about their accomplishments as an alternative to bragging regarding your personal. You can?t tend to others if you?re not taking care of oneself. Whatever point you happen to be in on the quest, permit yourself a chance to restore and rejuvenate oneself. It is best to handle anyone with regard, no matter what potential they maintain or the things they could do to suit your needs po?yczki . The way you deal with them claims a little more about the individual that you are. Can you often ingest excessive alcoholic beverages? Can you use tobacco products or take part in other actives that can cause harm to your body? The body is exactly what your home is in each and every time and thus factor for its wellness needs to be cured with the utmost respect. Getting rid of undesirable habits is crucial should you wish to improve your existence.Consider a sincere products of your traits and proclivities and figure out where you can make adjustments. Should you be slipping sort and never conference objectives, take a moment to step back and determine that you go incorrect. Discover how individuals that have very similar anticipations. You might need being more reasonable or obtain the problem being you are concentrating on out of the question targets instead of with your sources completely to complete your objectives correctly. Do not shop for convenience? Should you a pastime compared to increasing your charge card expenses, you will not spend lots of money and acquire into debts. Being a selfless is an important element of personal development. Knowing how to tend to others, simply by making the sacrifices within on your own, can improve your inside figure. When you are able make sacrifices that lift up other folks up without jeopardizing your own wellness, you will gain the emotionally charged flexibility needed to become far better man or woman. Everyone believes a lot better whenever they in are healthier. Make it a concerted effort to implement healthier practices. Getting some average threats can help you stay pleased. It is far from unheard of for anyone to avoid the sense of refusal or failing while at at the same time, though never taking hazards will make you po?yczki bez bik unfulfilled. Consuming risks can cause you to the things you want away from life, which happens to be what?s needed to aid po?yczki bez bik direct you with a path of happiness. Usually look for a obstacle. You could understand new skills and gain expertise. You could even aspire to arrive at an objective that no one experienced actually achieved. Try to find your own course, as opposed to pursuing in everyone else?s keeps track of. You could have listened to that listening is just as vital as talking. This really is accurate with regards to personal development expertise. Always be aware of what you really are conversing with oneself. An excellent suggestion for personal improvement suggestions would be to usually treat your whole body nicely.Once your system tells you that it requires something, including foods, beverage, or medical treatment, have just what it demands once you can. This will allow your system deal with you should inside the highway. Utilize the information given to increase the probability of it enhancing your existence. You are going to in no way succeed should you don?t at the very least consider. See how these observations will improve your own sensation of self improvement.


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Thursday, June 20, 2013

World's poorest will feel brunt of climate change, warns World Bank

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Friday, June 14, 2013

KRTS Marfa Public Radio welcomes three summer interns ? Big ...

June 13th, 2013 under Arts

MARFA ? Marfa Public Radio (KRTS 93.5 FM) is pleased to welcome three summer interns to the station.

Sarah Vasquez, Natalie Pattillo, & Megan Detrie will assist with station operations this summer producing news stories and learning firsthand how a community supported, non-commercial radio station operates.

Marfa Public Radio summer interns, from left, Natalie Pattillo, Megan Detrie, and Sarah Vasquez.

Vasquez, of Austin, is a graduate of Texas State University with a BA in Mass Communications ? Journalism. During her time at Texas State, Vasquez worked for the college radio station, KTSW 89.9 FM, serving as a reporter for a public interest program and moving on to management of a ten-reporter team. Vasquez recently received an award for her radio news story on Hurricane Sandy from the Society of Professional Journalists.

Pattillo, of Alpine, is a Communications Major at Sul Ross State University. Pattillo has participated in numerous overseas academic programs including Bond University in Australia and Abaco Instituto in Spain. Pattillo studied on and off Broadway and wrote and directed a series of monologues and plays at Tisch School of the Arts in New York. She brings skills in news writing, multimedia news and freelance blogging to KRTS.

Megan Detrie, of Wisconsin,? has a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication and a BA in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin ? Madison. The bulk of Detrie?s six years of professional print and radio journalism have been in the Middle East. She joins us after graduating from the radio track at the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies in Portland, Maine.

Story filed under: Arts

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Rooted in music: 'Conan' bandleader Jimmy Vivino to headline ...

Most people probably recognize Jimmy Vivino's name and face from late-night television.

The New Jersey native has performed as part of Conan O'Brien's house band since the comedian entered the talk-show scene with his "Late Night" show in 1993, lending the guitar skills he has honed since taking up the instrument as a kid.

But his work as bandleader of the Basic Cable Band and music director for Mr. O'Brien's show makes up just part of a decades-long career as a guitarist and music arranger.

This Saturday, Mr. Vivino and the group the Barn Burners will headline the eighth annual Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts Festival. The free, day-long festival takes over the Wayne County hub's downtown with performances at several venues. Mr. Vivino will close down the main stage in Central Park with a blues rock and soul set that starts at 7:45 p.m.

"I'm really looking forward to it," Mr. Vivino said recently by telephone from Los Angeles.

Mr. Vivino first picked up a musical instrument as a child, but it wasn't the guitar for which audiences know him today. He began learning trumpet at age 9 "and never looked back," he said.

"I just never wanted to do anything but play music anywhere," Mr. Vivino said. "Any kind of music with almost anyone."

He and his brothers would play music, dance and sing together, trying to follow the lead of family groups like the Osmonds and the Jackson 5. When Mr. Vivino was around 11, he started on guitar after his uncle left one in his basement. He started arranging music, too, and decided to commit to the guitar at 23.

He spent a couple years on the road playing in a show band and then ventured into New York City, where he performed in various clubs and met and worked with such well-known musicians as Phoebe Snow and Al Kooper, among numerous others.

"I started to find out if you're where people are, you'll meet them, and that's how gigs will happen," Mr. Vivino said.

He spent many years playing in New York and also worked in Hollywood doing orchestrations for films. He even "seriously considered" moving to Los Angeles but stayed on the East Coast and eventually got the job with Mr. O'Brien's house band.

Mr. Vivino moved to California a few years ago when Mr. O'Brien took over hosting "The Tonight Show" from Jay Leno. But after a much-publicized debacle in which Mr. O'Brien left the show and NBC, the host and his crew found themselves without a television home.

"I'm working not for but with the greatest bunch of people," Mr. Vivino said. "Conan really showed his love for all of us and the family aspect of his upbringing. When things went bad, he assured us that things were going to (improve) if we would stick with him."

Mr. Vivino did, and soon he went out on the road with Mr. O'Brien and the rest of the gang for "The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour," a live show the comedian did until he was contractually allowed to return to television. Mr. O'Brien eventually found a home on TBS with his new show, "Conan," and Mr. Vivino took over from longtime bandleader Max Weinberg to lead the new house band, the Basic Cable Band.

They "left the rat race," Mr. Vivino said, and found in TBS a great place to make music and comedy.

"And that's really the best thing that's happened to us, is sticking together and hanging with it," he said. "It's tough to not jump ship, but when you got a guy like Conan telling you something, I believe him."

The show shoots four days a week, which offers Mr. Vivino plenty of time to make music with some other groups, like the Barn Burners, a band that recently reformed after the death of former leader Levon Helm, also known for his work with the Band.

"I'm on a red-eye (flight) most likely Thursday night east or west or south or wherever it takes me. I'm restless about sitting around on the weekend and not playing music," Mr. Vivino said, adding with a laugh, "I am a really transplanted New Yorker that doesn't really know what to do here on the weekend."

The Honesdale festival offers music in the borough's downtown from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Activity on the main stage starts at 1:15 p.m. and will include performances by Emish, the Badlees and Pat O'Shea and the Honest Men in addition to the Barn Burners. The night will close with the Late Night Ramble, featuring music by Pat O'Shea and the Honest Men at the Cooperage, 1030 Main St., from 10 p.m. to midnight. Several artists also will display their work around town during the day.

The Barn Burners play a lot of music from the Band plus Muddy Waters and rockabilly, and Mr. Vivino expects they will throw in some originals, too, from his latest album. And a few more people might even join the Barn Burners on stage, Mr. Vivino said, especially if he runs into anyone he knows.

"I'm sure we're going to pick up a few stragglers and put them up on stage," he said.

Contact the writer:, @cheaneyTT on TwitterIf you go

What: Eighth annual Honesdale Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts Festival

When: Saturday

Where: Downtown Honesdale

Downtown bands: Shows run from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Performers include Doug Rogers & the Hoy Polloy, the Antique Emporium, 1040 Main St.; Merchants of Groove, RE/MAX Wayne, 416 Main St. at Fourth Street; Freight Train Boogie, Dave's Super Duper, 200 Willow Ave.; Sidetracked, R3 Hardware, 541 Main St.; Chasin' the Dog, Fred Miller Pavilion, Main Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets; Two Steps Back, the Home Front, 833 Main St.; Poison Love, between 933 and 939 Main St.

Main stage: Mayor's proclamation, 1:15 p.m.; national anthem sung by Leah Schweighofer, 1:20 p.m.; Emish, 1:30 p.m.; The Badlees, 3:20 p.m.; Pat O'Shea and the Honest Men, 5:15 p.m.; Raffle Drawing, 7 p.m.; and Jimmy Vivino and the Barn Burners, 7:45 p.m.; Central Park.

Late Night Ramble: with Pat O'Shea and the Honest Men, the Cooperage, 1030 Main St. 10 p.m. to midnight.

Details: Admission is free. For more information, visit www.honesdaleroots


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Play begins in US Open's return to Merion

Ernie Els, of South Africa, walks down the first hole during practice for the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Ernie Els, of South Africa, walks down the first hole during practice for the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Ben Hogan's 1-iron is shown at the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. Good luck finding a player who even carries a 1-iron. And the shot Hogan hit in 1950 at Merion, which the USGA estimates to be 213 yards, is no longer a 1-iron. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Zach Johnson tees off on the eighth hole during practice for the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Ian Poulter, of England, walks past wicker baskets during practice for the U.S. Open golf tournament at Merion Golf Club, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Ardmore, Pa. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

ARDMORE, Pa. (AP) ? Under cloudy skies and with weather prospects dicey for the rest of the day, the U.S. Open returned to the Merion for the first time in 32 years.

Cliff Kresge, a 44-year-old Floridian ranked No. 551 in the world, hit the first tee shot of the first round early Thursday, the first of 156 players on the historic course.

The marquee group was scheduled to tee off shortly after lunchtime. Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and Adam Scott are together as the top three players in the world rankings, although a forecast calling for severe storms in the afternoon could delay or interrupt their round.

Phil Mickelson also had an early tee time ? 7:11 a.m. ? after making an overnight flight from San Diego, where he watched his oldest daughter graduate from the eighth grade.

For all the extraordinary effort it took to shoehorn a modern-day championship onto the historic but intimate course, there was nothing anyone could do about the 6? inches of rain that has soaked the Philadelphia area during the last week. Sunny days Tuesday and Wednesday helped dry out things a bit, but one look at the radar Thursday morning indicated that stormy skies would return in a matter of hours.

The various forecasts led to a USGA news conference Wednesday that covered topics like hail, standing water and the dreaded "potentially damaging winds." At one point during a long and otherwise straight-laced opening statement, USGA vice president Tom O'Toole spoke about the presentation of the championship trophy ? then rolled his eyes skyward and added: "which we hope will be Sunday."

The forecast also renewed calls for officials to break with U.S. Open tradition and allow players to lift, clean and replace balls in the fairway if the conditions get nasty.

"I would be a fan of being able to clean the mud off," said Matt Kuchar, a two-time winner this year on the PGA Tour. "I think it's one of those really rotten breaks in golf. Driving it in a divot is a rotten break, but most of us can figure it out from there. You drive down the middle of the fairway and you have mud on the ball and you have no idea what's going to happen, you have no real control. It seems like a guy might be rewarded more for missing fairways in those situations, being in the rough, not picking up the mud."

Nice try. But such protestations went nowhere fast.

"We wouldn't be adopting that rule this week," O'Toole said. "And if it was so bad, then the obvious response to that, or consequence, would be we probably wouldn't be playing."

Any major disruption would be a shame, given that the U.S. Open has waited 32 years to return to the course where Olin Dutra overcame a serious stomach illness to win in 1934, where Ben Hogan hit the picture-perfect 1-iron approach to No. 18 before winning in a playoff in 1950, where Lee Trevino pulled a rubber snake out of his bag at the first hole of the playoff when he beat Jack Nicklaus for the title in 1971, and where David Graham became the first Australian to win the trophy in 1981.

It would also dampen the drama of Tiger Woods' pursuit of his first major in five years, a reasonable proposition given that he's already won four times on the PGA Tour this year. And Adam Scott's hopes of becoming the first to win the Masters and U.S. Open back-to-back since Woods in 2002. Weather permitting, Woods, Scott and 2011 U.S. Open champion Rory McIlroy have an early afternoon tee time Thursday, a grouping of the top three players in the world rankings.

Thought to be too small to host an Open anymore, Merion had been off the radar for so long that many of the top names in the field ? including Woods ? had never played it until recently. Organizers had to be creative with the placement of hospitality tents and parking lots on the club's relatively small footprint, and ticket sales were capped at 25,000 a day instead of the usual 40,000 or so for recent championships.

But Merion was still expected to provide a quality test, emphasizing precision over power in the first major championship in nine years on a course under 7,000 yards.

"I've been reading about how many scoring records are going to be broken," Nick Watney said. "I've been around here once. And I think that's insane. It's funny to me. People look at the yardage and think it's going to be easy. Even if it's soft, the greens are sloped. The rough is thick. OK, we'll have wedges into some of the greens, but that doesn't mean you make birdie on all those holes. There's enough tough holes to counteract that."

There's concern from others, however, that the degree of difficulty might be watered down ? literally.

"Don't go by what they score here this week," Trevino said, "simply because Merion may not have its teeth in because of the wetness."

Neither did Congressional two years ago, when rains softened the course and yielded a record-shattering 16-under 268 score for McIlroy. That year, USGA officials said repeatedly that even par wasn't their target score for a U.S. Open winner.

They're already in the same mode this week at Merion.

"Sure, we want it firm and fast," O'Toole said. "We happen to play a sport that's played outdoors. ... So it's not a perfect world."


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