Wednesday, July 24, 2013

President?s Obama?s message to the nation on Trayvon Martin

Posted on: 4:47 pm, July 22, 2013, by Larry Mendte, updated on: 03:22pm, July 22, 2013

NEW YORK, NY. (KPLR) ? President Obama opened up about Travyon Martin?s death, putting it in personal terms last week.

Larry Mendte wonders if his emotional words are enough to heal the nation and put this case in the past.

President Obama tells the world that Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.

Even though the prosecution didn`t bring up race in the case, the president did and said that being profiled and followed is part of being black in American.


There is no question that the Trayvon Martin case is much more personal to African Americans in this country.

Much of the anger and protests we see in the wake of the not guilty verdict comes from that personal experience of being black in America. ?

But following someone you don`t recognize in your neighborhood is not against the law.

There is no question that Trayvon martin had every right to be there.? He was minding his own business.? George Zimmerman also had every right to be there and he wasn?t minding his own business.

That fate brought them together under these circumstances is a tragedy ? the death of an unarmed 17 year old boy is a tragedy.

But as the president said, you have to respect the jury`s decision, with the evidence in front of them this was self-defense.

But the fact that an African American president can address and try to heal the nation ? that protests can happen with little violence or incident shows as the president said that things are getting better.

I hope the president?s address? is the final chapter in the Trayvon Martin story.

We need to learn from what happened ? and continue to grow together.

I`m Larry Mendte.


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